
Celtic festival of Samhain

सम्हें (प्रोनौन्केद सो - अन और सो in ) और हल्लोवीन अस मोस्ट क्नोव आईटी
Samhain (pronounced sow in or sow an) was what halloween was originally called. It was when the ancestors and recently departed were honoured and dark spirits were warded away by wearing masks and costumes and burning fires and decorating turnips. The Celtic pagans, of the old Scotland, Ireland and England, revered this holy time of the year linked to the changing of the seasons. They gathered food to see them through the coming months.
The name changed to Halloween in the 16th century and came from the words All Hallows Eve which is the night before All Hallows Day or as it is known now - All Saints Day on November 1st. This is when Catholics commemorate all the faithful departed.
Many countries have these wonderful traditions of remembering the dead - China has the Ghost Festival where food and money is offered to the dead, Spain has the Day of the Dead where graves of loved ones are visited and special food is eaten. In Bali, last January, we saw a celebration where everyone visited the village of their birth to pray for their ancestors and every household made a bamboo pole with flowers and cakes to decorate the street outside their home. The photo above is the penjor or bamboo pole decorations in a Balinese village( thanks wicandra )

1 comment:

S said...

beautiful, thank you. I have a turnip...was wondering what I should do with it!


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